Mind-Body Healing – Gina Vance

Gina VanceGina Vance
Mind Body Journeys with Gina Vance
(415) 275-4221

My work with clients has brought me to believe that human beings have a phenomenal untapped capacity to heal, love and contribute.

I teach mind-body healing skills that are deeply simple, easy to use and give you a direct experience of your inner spirit, so you can release old traumas and stuck energy, and embody more of your best self.

What my clients have in common, is an ardent desire to perform well, serve well, and love well.

Together, we release the suffering caused by the inner blocks that interfere with the free flow of your vitality, and get you free to feel more inner peace, confidence and meaning, so you can accomplish what you want to in this life.

Because I recognize that you are a heroic soul on an intense journey of discovery, it is my joy and pleasure to serve as your Sherpa-like guide for the adventures awaiting you in your inner world.

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